Carson Gibson

Minarets High School

  • What sport(s) do you play?

    I play football, baseball, and race motocross.

  • What's the future?

    I want to try and go race motocross around the world at Amateur Nationals.

  • What's your favorite sports movie?

    Supercross & Remember the Titans.

  • What's your favorite scripture and Why?

    Matthew 17:20

    Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there.' and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you.

    “It has been said that are faith can move mountains in the spirit of keeping inspiration alive”-Jillian Dara

  • Why is Christ so important in the world of sports?

    Because it can bring people out of there bad times and make people as a team get closer to the lord all together.

    Iron sharpens Iron!

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