FCA on Junior College Campuses

Reedley College 

Reedley College is still in need   of individuals willing to lead the campus huddle. If you are interested in leading or being a member of the Reedley College Huddle please contact Ron Nelson at rnelson@fca.org

Clovis Community College

Central Valley FCA is actively looking for individuals on the Clovis Community College campus that would be willing to lead an active huddle. If you are interested in leading an FCA huddle on the CCC campus please contact Ron Nelson rnelson@fca.org

West Hills College - Coalinga, Ca

West Hills encourages athletes to come meet up with them on Monday night's in the Auxillary gym. Contact: Justin Berna or Tony Avila for more information. 


Merced Junior College

Central Valley FCA is actively looking for individuals on the Merced Junior College campus that would be willing to lead an active huddle. If you are interested in leading an FCA huddle on the CCC campus please contact Ron Nelson rnelson@fca.org

Fresno City College

FCC has an active huddle and would love for you to join in on their time of fellowship and worship. They meet every Thursday at 4pm in the field house.

 For more info contact:

Rick Scheidt at rick.scheidt@fresnocitycollege.edu.

Church Sponsor:

 First Baptist Fresno Joe Basil

Madera Community College

Central Cal FCA is seeking leadership for Madera Community College.

Contact Pat lynch


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