Fields of Faith Madera
Community, Jr High & High School, youth groups, young adults, and adults.
Saturday, October 12th
Gates Open 5:00pm with activities for kids
Event Begins at 6:00pm
Torres High School (Stadium)
16645 Rd 26, Madera, Ca 93638
Food Fun Friends
For more information:
Pat Lynch -
Fields of Faith is typically held on the second Wednesday of October. But it's about you and your area and what works best. It's ok to start small and gather athletes together and talk about what verses have value and meaning. It's an event that brings athletes and students together to help encourage reading the Bible. That's the basics. You can work your way up from there by having a worship band to sing songs and invite the community to attend. Provide a snack bar with warm yummy drinks. Host it outside or in the gym whatever works best.
It’s time to spark a spiritual movement for God. Christianity needs a change in momentum—students who will stand together against the pressures and temptations in our world and be a generation that is committed to reading the Bible and applying it to their lives.
It’s time to Get in the Game and Get in the Book!
P.O Box 10515
Salinas, CA 93912
Multi-Area Director
Central Cal FCA
(559) 250-6718